Subject matter suggested by Sophie. Suggestions still welcome. STILL!
There are currently 14 comments.
Love the spurs! Now, there is someone who had it coming to him. What a maroon!
Typeosaurus - I have often thought if the great Tyrannosaurus was still around today the only job it would be suited for would be an office job involving a computer... I mean what else would those short little arms be good for.
An evil victorian aged panda driving a undersized evil vehicle :]
*shudder* Ya'll are so gonna be responsbile for my nightmares this week!
That was "responsible", not "responsbile" ... although bile does play a prominent role in many a nightmare. Especially Armadillo bile. Blurgch!!
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1. Sophie
Thanks, that’s exactly how I imagined it! Love the "here we go again" octopus eyes.