Friday, September 28, 2007

Live Tennis! Live!

Live Tennis! Live!

Inman vs. Cornell vs. Time

Just a quick update for anyone interested; today is my Layer Tennis match against that handsome devil, Shaun Inman, with commentary by that handsome devil John Gruber, hosted by the handsome devils over at Coudal Partners. First volley goes up at 2pm, Chicago time! (which is about 3, Eastern Standard Time — or "Normal Bearskinrug Time"). If you're planning on doing nothing this afternoon, at least do nothing while your eyes watch this page refresh.


Looking for a little post-game insight? Well, make sure to check out Shaun's post, and my reply to Fabio's inquiry in the comments. Also, the PSDs Shaun and I used are available for download on Coudal, and can be used to mix up your own volleys! Oh... and if you'd like to vote for a winner, make sure you say your piece in the Layer Tennis Forums.


Looks as though I won the match, though it was quite close! Thanks to all who voted for me, but thanks most of all to my extraordinary opponent... may we meet again! Though... hopefully in a much slower format.

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Count me in as one handsome spectator.


I am watching right now


Following it, too. GASP! An envelop shot! That was brilliant.

Mark Larson

This has been a blast to watch. Much better than working. It's volley 9 as I write, and I think you've got the upper hand.


Thanks for watching, gents!


Great fun! will worth waking up early (early) Saturday morning for.


Maybe it's just personal taste, but I think you're the clear winner. Heck, what am I saying? Of course thou of impeccable taste(as agreed by sock monkeys everywhere) shall be the winner! *phew* nearly committed a fox pass there...

Anyway, I thought all your submissions stood on their own and looked like art instead of a photoshop experiment.


I officially worship you.

Fabio Assis

Hey, how about some comments about your match? Like Shaun did.


Classic Cornell! As good as every my man.

The Colonel

Congrats on the win, chap!

I was, unfortunately, leaving the country when it was going on, but I've caught up now.

Greetings from Amsterdam!

(FYI, I met Les Stroud last week. He's freaking awesome.)


Jamjar - Wow! Well, I appreciate the sacrifice of sleep!

Eli - Thanks Eli! There does seem to be two camps of designers splitting up here - people who work in a style like mine, and people who work in Shaun's style.

Christina - Hey — if you turn out to be that lady at the supermarket with the halo, looks like I worship you too.

Fabio - I'd like to do something like Shaun did — but honestly I've been wiped out since it ended :D

I will say that my goal the entire time wasn't "beating" Shaun, but cooperating — giving us places to go with a story, giving us assets, and trying to make up time.

Indeed, the one volley (volley 3) where I (1) waited for his volley before planning my next move (2) removed the previous assets, and (3) ate up a half-hour, seemed to yield Shaun's weakest volley.

So I think cooperating makes for a much better match, in the end. If I had one regret, it would be that I didn't really get to play with Shaun's designs too much. But, that's the breaks of the game!

Matty - Thanks Matty!

Colonel - No winner declared yet! Unless there was one declared in Amsterdam... or unless you've had a little taste of something that lets you see through time.... which is quite possible...

The Colonel

I'm the one declaring stuff here! Watch:

I declare myself Prince of Amsterdam! Done!

King of Time and Space! Done!

You the winner! Done!


VIVA CORNELL!! VIVA!!! A well played tennis match indeed kind sir! I was well pleased with each volley and it sure made a good afternoon accompanied with a fine cup of tea as well as strawberries and cream! Good Job Indeed!!

Mountain Gnome

Very Very Well Played.
The envelope volley was my favourite!
Pity there were no sock monkeys!
I suppose pagans don't sacrifice sock monkeys due to their lack of blood!


I going to have to agree with the colonel on this one. Congratulations on the win.


Congrats on the win, it seemed like it was going to be close.

I don't think your first serve is what made the whole thing intresting, and enjoyable. You presented an image taht was telling such an intresting story with so many different angles to elaborate on.

Manuel Martensen

I voted for Shaun, but i always loved your work, i just found his volley more smashing, but really only in a Boris Becker way so to speak.

[ Congratulations Image ]

So anyways, congrats mate!


Thanks all! (Manuel, I had to change your embedded image into a link, since it was breaking my column - but thanks for the graphic - it warmed the cockles of my heart!)

Manuel Martensen

Oh, by the by, i would so buy a AA organic tee with just the bear on it, i would so! But?

Stevie K

"Looks as though I won the match"

Don't be so modest Cornell, I think you trounced him here! I don't think he ever recovered fully after the devastating first serve.

I was mainly rooting for you because you appear to be a bit of an anglophile though, and I love your illustrations.

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