Falling within the Month of January, 2006

Hilarious Knitted Art
Maybe it's time to take Grandma out of the home and put her in prison. Once again, from Drawn.
Retribution, Divine or Otherwise
You better hope you have a guardian angel; because if you don't...
Remember That Mug
Here's one reason to develop your caricature skills. Via Drawn.
Topless Sandals
Come summertime, I can get sun-poisoning on the entire top of my foot!
Guiness Commercial
Quite well done! Almost makes me willing to eat a Guiness.
Eat my shit, Photoshop!
Looks like there's a way around some of your jerk-like behavior!
Smallest Photo
Kirk Peterson (aka Biggest Apple) redesigns his photography domain. The new look is tip-top, and the photos, as always, are gorgeous.
Under The Loupe
Stan releases the first in a series of design-related articles. The inaugural topic? White Space.
Please Do Not Stab Me
Hopefully, this shirt will undo some of the theoretical damage that Stabby McKnife's critics fear.

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