Falling within the Month of November, 2005

Stan on AIGA
Good buddy Jason Santa Maria gets interviewed by AIGA about the upcoming An Event Apart in Philadelphia.
These photos are wonderful — excellent execution, satisfyingly creepy subject matter... the line between illustration and photography is effectively blurred. Thanks to Tony for the link...
Think you could be an Account Executive?
Pixelworthy is looking currently looking for one...
Design Magazine 1965-1974
All online. Now. *sound of rubbing hands*. Via Coudal.
The Favorite Website Awards redesigns, with oh-so-spectacular results! I even made a contribution to the festivities!
Wide Screen
Finally, a monitor that lets me view 7 programs in one glance, and converts into a bed at night.
Great Shirt!
I wonder who made it!? *hang head*
Wow. I just can't get enough links regarding greeked text. This is like, the third one I've posted.
mcville.net Interview
I got interviewed — and this time, it's not about my sex scandal!
KUCD Redesign
My alma mater redesigns... and I love it!
Pass the Pigs
This is an oldie — a virtual version of the "Pigs" game. I'm a little surprised I never posted this before...
Blue Ball Machine
This thing must have taken quite a while to construct. But it's reinvigorated the classic medium of animated gif! Link gingerly lifted from Rob.
I want to...
Have something you want to do online? Here's where to start looking for help. Via Coudal.

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