Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I've never been a fan of game shows. Something about them just doesn't appeal to me. When I was growing up, my mom watched Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune every night, and — being a kid and being obligated to watch as much TV as I could cram in — I'd watch as well. I suppose I kind of got into Jeopardy, but I stopped watching after that day in fifth grade when I answered a teacher in the form of a question. That was embarrassing. Though not as embarrassing as in second grade when I accidentally addressed the teacher as "Mom". Really.
I do think that I could invent a pretty good game show if I put my mind to it. Though I'm not sure what genre of show I'd make. There's trivia game shows, where people show how smart they are. Then there's action game shows, where people do feats of daring to win money and prizes. I also feel like there's a third genre, where people show how stupid they are, which then makes the viewer feel better about themselves. But perhaps I don't need to pick a genre... perhaps I can just combine all three.
For instance, how about a show where people are paid X amount of dollars to ruin public sporting events? Like, for $2000, you have to streak across the outfield during a Major League Baseball game. Or for a new car, you have to tackle the mascot at a basketball game, or better yet, you have to break into the announcer booth and steal the microphone, and recite 20 seconds of poetry. And then the final round would be winning $1,000,000 dollars or so, to crash the Olympics, and somehow trick them into letting you on the winner's stand to get a gold medal.
The possibilities here are endless. And what's more, it would finally give me a reason to watch sports again. I'm a little tired of having nothing to talk about with 95% of the American public.
There are currently 24 comments.
That chap in the picture is a bit of an idiot. Doesn't he realise that that's a statement? That's a question, just there, in the last sentence.
Testmonkey - So you're using it improperly now? I imagine that's a good recipe for comedy.
Josh - You have confused me with your roundabout logic!
But Kev, they already have shows like that. I think one of them is called Jackass.
Personally I like watching the more obscure sporting events. Monty Python hit the nail on the head when they showcased the Silly Olympiad with such events as the hundred yard dash for people with no sense of direction or the hundred meter freestyle for non-swimmers.
Introducing spoilers into sporting events would rejuvenate many a flagging sport if only due to a commonality with Calvinball. Adding an extra ball at the right time would have fantastic results.
A gameshow where people show how stupid they are? Why, that would take balls of steel...
Maybe contestant three is losing because he obviously has cancer, and is on some heavy chemo. Just look at his complexion and bald head... I hope he pulls through in the end and wins it all, that treatment is expensive. Goooooo #3!
Kevin, I have only two words for you:
Ninja. Warrior.
After watching that show, I can't go back to Jeopardy.
No witty banter here, more of a question. Kevin, how do you create your illustrations? Do you do them on paper and scan them in or do you create them digitally? Or, perhaps a mix of both. I've always loved your work and sense of humor, and I was just interested in the actual creative process.
Note: I refuse to believe that you dictate all illustrations to Mojo. Not buying it. Everyone knows that monkeys suck at lettering and I know you wouldn't let him around a computer... at least I pray you never do.
I'd probably watch sport if they implemented your ideas. Put Mojo on as host and I'd definitely watch.
Four words for you: Sock Monkey Jello Wrestling. Sport of kings, that! :-D
Russer - Naw... from what I've seen, Jackass concentrates solely on those guys ruining themselves. This would be ruining things for everyone on a much greater scale.
Cliener - Agreed! Bill Watterson can be the new commissioner!
Ben - And then what would they do with these balls? Just kind of drop them on each other I guess?
Glindon - Naw. He's stupid. On the form they fill out before the show he checked "stupid."
Gerren - That is a pretty thrilling show. Though real Ninjas do a lot more killing. I feel a bit cheated.
Reece - Well, I always start out with an actual drawing. Sometimes I'll watercolor it and just scan it and do finishing touches in photoshop (almost every piece of art needs to be tweaked a bit after scanning so that it looks more like how it looks in real life, and natural light). But more often than not, I do half the drawing, scan it, and color it digitally. In the comic above, the line art was done on paper, and the coloring was done digitally. It's generally less risky to color in photoshop, and more often than not the art will look better - watercolor warps paper, and leads to blurry spots in a scan.
Robert - Welcome to Bearskinrug, Home of Comics that don't make you laugh, and occasionally make you snort derisively.
Bananaglyph - He does look fine in a herringbone blazer and a turtleneck.
Phyllis - I thought the Sport of Kings was croquet. You know, where you use mallets to knock your Sock Monkey through all the wickets until it hits the peg.
Game shows are for people who need things to waste their idle time. I, too, was forced to suffer through countless hours of The Price Is Right and Let's Make a Deal as a child. (My mom still watches them on a cable channel dedicated to game shows.) Even as a young child, I found them dull and unappealing time wasters.
I always thought I was the only one.
Don't feel too bad. I'm sure your teacher went home and had a good laugh with his wife about it.
Funny thing, I was just surfing UTube last night looking at snippets from game shows past and, well, past, because the future ones haven't been recorded yet. A review is in order.
Perhaps the key is not to create something brand spanking new, but instead to take the existing elements and assemble them differently?
Now that this whole Web 2.0 thing is all the rage, I'm thinking Game Show 2.0. Pitting medically and socially diverse groups against each other in some sort of Facebook-off. I'm thinking outgoing narcoleptics vs. withdrawn, creepy clowns. Whoever makes the most friends wins!
And there's got to be a B2B angle in there somewhere. Oh, and Twitter. Have to have some twits, for sure. And money. We'll need some of that too.
So that's a B2C/B2B social media/reality internet play with a great Twitter strategy. You think about it, I'm off to buy a bigger wallet.
Have you heard of Remi Gaillard?
I think you'll find his form of pranksterism is right up your show's alley.
I think a good idea for a game show would be Scrabble being treated as a sport, like poker. Or maybe a gameshow where contestants have to unravel toxic mortgage backed securities for millions of dollars. I would watch that (and buy the products sold by the sponsers of such a show)
There was a banned show (only a pilot was made) that involved people attempting to steal various articles from random locations. I'm not sure if the items were kept or if they were returned later, but if the contestant got caught they lost that round. At one point somebody had their car stolen from a carwash.
So, get together with those guys and think you have the beginnings of something beautiful.
you need to watch more japanese gameshows. you wouldnt get them either,
they take seriously what monty-python initiated. Russer would like them too i think
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1. testMonkey
I, for one, am proud to be part of the 5% crowd.
Though I would like more opportunities to properly use the word "shuttlecock."