I can't say I'm excited for this new year. The final days of 2007 seem to have hip-checked me out of my normal schedule. Now, as 2008 starts up, I find it's much harder to get motivated than in previous years. Perhaps because I lack quality incentives like the sparkling trophies pictured above.
Not to give the impression that I'd want all those trophies. Tormentor of the Year is really just for devils. Who wants that job? Having horns severely limits your hairstyle options, and trimming hooves is much more difficult than trimming toenails. Well, except for that pinky toenail.
Little guy is a bitch to reach...
That cuts it — this year, no more trimming the pinky toe. The first step to evolving that baby out of existence is to ignore it. Then it dies of loneliness, and falls off the foot. I'm pretty sure that's how we lost our tails, what with them all hidden in the back there.
There are currently 44 comments.
I like to imagine that the arm trophies are given out at a factory with lots of heavy machinery, and heavy drug use.
Hehe - I imagine the "Highest Jumper" trophy follows the same principles of those cheesy levitating pens you see on your boss’ desk next to his miniature dart board and putting green.
"Most Likely to Succeed" – Awwww... if only Survivor were more like this.
That "Most Likely to Succeed" trophy is among the most wonderfully cynical things I've ever seen you create. Bravo!
Just based on the number of heads I have just laying around the office, I'm going to say I'm most likely to succeed.
I mean, isn't that the ultimate gauge of success? Head count?
Mork - The question is... what is he attending?
Terry - "Cheesy"? Sounds to me like you're jealous! One of the perks of being a boss is you get 10-12 more levitating objects than your employees.
Rob - Yeah - I was really happy with that one!
Colonel - Hey! Way to go, Colonel! You're not counting cryogenically frozen heads though, right?
I'm going to have to agree with you BSR. I couldn't feel less motivated now than ever before, maybe some trophies would help. One that I have my eyes on would be "Most Likely to Succeed with the Least Amount of Work" That would get me excited.
We could use the "Least Arms" trophy, and just change the nameplate.
The guy on the least arms trophy is cheating. He has them behind his back and is really strolling around on his plinth like a tiger in a cage.
The text should really read: Most passive. Or most nervous. Or simply most bored. Or most miles walked on a plinth...
We all know Walt Disney's cryogenically frozen head is the only one that'll ever count!
These are hilarious. I'm never disappointed when I visit this website!
HAHA I hate my pinky toe too! That useless thing always gets caught on things it shouldn't. I feel like sometimes just cutting it off with garden shears.
After looking through your sketchbook I'm a little disappointed there's no "penguin with largest human wang" trophy. Which reminds me how much life probably sucks for the "least arms" trophy winner. ps, I love the tormented guy's pose!
Je suis le winner de la "Most Arms" Trophie, as mine are longer than his. Come on, hand it over there...
A friend of mine always had extremely sore and red little toes, and her doctor said there was an issue with the circulation and that they should probably be removed. Seriously. Of course the best part of that scenario is that the moment you have two toes removed, you become one of the Simpsons.
It might be a voluntary surgery option, you could look into it. If your doctor hesitates, mention the Simpsons thing.
I love the look of sheer joy on the faces of the venereal disease trio...
You better be motivated Kev, lots to do in 2008, beer to drink, alpacas to visit, pastures to clear. Wait what, ignore that, relax guy, just come out to the farm to kick back for the weekend, I won't put you to work... I promise (grinning).
Anyone in the mood to hear what Kramer thinks about pinky toes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkpvON6IpNs
Lowest Self Esteem Guy appears to be on a rocket-powered, high-backed chair. He's gotta feel good about that...man, I'd love one of those for the new year...
Kevin, Not cutting your pinky toenail for at least a couple of years should qualify you for a place in the Guiness Book of Records! Now, there's a trophy worth lifting!
So which is the Most Tormented: the guy that jumped from the highest window or the guy that was fried for collecting the most heads.
Then again you have to give points to the guy that couldn't "get over" the farmer so he stole the wife's wig.
Trunk - Garden Shears? You couldn't use a more medically appropriate amputation device?
Glindon - It's quite curious - all penguins with human wangs have the EXACT same sized wang. It's a 4-way tie.
3easy - So could someone win "least arms" by having the deepest arm holes?
Bambi-really - Wow... those must have been small pinky toes!
Russer - Hey - I'm definitely motivated to drink beer. That's part of the problem!
Joesplanet - Haha - it does kind of look like that. Gotta be careful with one of those... you could fall right out the back on take-off.
Mountain Gnome - They give out Trophies? I thought it was just a really big Country Ham...
Aelith - Looks to me like the receiver of "Funniest Story" might be the Most Tormented.
I love the "Smallest Self Confidence" award.
Oh wait, that was just a speck of dust on my monitor. Ha!
On trophies: Last week my son was reading a nativity book and pointed excitedly at the wise man holding handled goblet of frankincense near the manger. "Look Dad!" he exclaimed "The wise man brought baby Jesus a Piston Cup!"
I wonder if he's been watching "Cars" too much?
If the first step is ignoring it, then the second, and every step thereafter, is phantom toe pain...and then, well, we'd all be vying for the "Least Wobbly Gait" trophy.
I had no idea that high-divers had low self-esteem, though I suppose wearing a speedo on a platform in front of an audience might contribute to poor self-image. And the water's cold, so the speedo doesn't exactly do anybody justice after emerging from the pool ....
I like how the guy on the best hair trophey is walking his do on a leash. I bet he's got that thing doing tricks, fetching things, minding his every command. Perhaps he took tips from the American Kennel Club?
HA! Yeah, I just noticed the thought at the bottom of the screen (loading time, y'know) and if we took your suggestion, and replaced January with a second May, I suppose we could rename New Year's Day "Mayday". I often feel like the old year ends with my bank account going down in flames, now we can all pretend that we're WWII fighter pilots .... "Mayday! Mayday! More champaign!! Maydaaaaaayyy!!!!"
Oh my gosh....this is my first time visiting your blog...and what can I say, but that "you had me at hello."
This post is too funny. Boy, can I relate to the new year feeling. It hits all too close to home. Though I do think things would be a lot brighter with one of your lovely trophies....just not the venereal disease one please.
I love the "Least Arms" and "Most Arms" awards. I had to stop and think, which is almost always a good thing.
Email me. I need to talk. Now. Yesterday.
Wait...If the torment ones for devils, can I have it? ITS SHINY! We should have a shiny appreciation day!!!! HEY KEVIN, HAPPY SHINY APPRECIATION DAY!
I agree that pinky toe is not a fun little bugger to clip. Perhaps i will join you in your boycott, and together we can start a revelution and before we know it the entire human race will be a four toed animal...
The winner of the Most Arms award can also be awarded the Most Likely To Succeed award, even though he mightn't have chopped off any heads, he must sure have chopped the winner of, Least Arms', arms of so he could win the Most Arms award!
I so want the "Most likely to Succeed" Trophy! I would place it prominently upon my desk, and wait for the next unsuspecting victim.. co-worker to ask for help.
Least arms! How do you handle that beauty over?
Anyway – What i forgot in 2007 and what i always wanted to ask you in 2008 is: what kind of tablet do you use for your art?
Btw: Most arms image seems to be corrupt. I don’t see any rifles or revolvers. Que?
what kind of tablet do you use for your art?
Well, everything starts out as a drawing on paper, but when I color digitally (or make corrections to the art), I use a Wacom Intuos 3 (6x8).
I've been seriously considering purchasing a wacom, but I've always been a bit leery of how effective they are. Is it fairly intuitive, can you actually work with it much the same as a pencil or a brush? I started my life in art (long, long ago) on paper, too, and learning digital has been like trying to learn how to walk without feet. I've always wanted to ask someone who uses a wacom on a regular basis - does it make a big difference, is it worth the cost?
Manuel, "Most Arms" guy, like all good mercenaries, keeps his stockpile hidden, in many strategic locations, of course. He won the award on the basis of his word alone. And many thinly veiled threats.
Oh, so paper! Interesting, i thought it’s all tabletted.
Thanks Phyllis, that makes sense now. Are you at hat maker as well or do you hang out in hat stores a lot? If you get my drift (travel thru mirrors)…
I prefer to consider myself a hat connoisseur and I only travel through mirrors when there is a white rabbit and a cheshire cat involved.
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you can't see the third arm of the winner of "Most Arms"...teehee...(yes, my resolution this year is to be less dirty-minded...sigh...)