In the winter, when I started my last sketchbook, I decided to try something different than my normal, no-restrictions approach to sketchbooking. Before I started the book, I went through every page and titled them, so that as I came to each page later, I would have a theme to work with.
What's surprising is that most of these pages, intended to just be normal sketchbook pages full of scribbles and such, tended to turn into comics, a couple of which you may have already seen. Only about 10 or so pages were actually sketchbook pages, which I really didn't mind, seeing as it's harder to write a comic than doodle.
For a long time I skipped drawing on the page entitled "She Got The Ring And I Got The Finger" mainly because the only comics I could think of had to do with country singers. Or some kind of hospital accident. But in the end, I'm much happier with this fellow at the bar.
There are currently 26 comments.
Haha - no, fortunately this comic isn't inspired by my real-life marriage. :D
For some odd reason, I am picturing this guy... Walter would seem fitting... I am picturing Walter here as some sort of science professor in a lecture hall.
I want to see one of those comics whit the hospital theme, maybe I see a lot of "Grace anatomy" in the last days, but the option sounds funny
To Mork, this guy is DEFINITELY a Walter. Probably goes by "Walt" what a dick.
In other news, I read your RSS feed before seeing the comic today and found it was awesome to have the text preface the image. Hurray for trying new things!
I am picturing Walter here as some sort of science professor in a lecture hall
It would be interesting to see a series of "beyond the frame" comics, where we see unexpected things outside the "walls" of each panel.
Rtaher like when the newsreader reveals that he is not wearing any pants behind the desk.
"I gave her a ring and she gave me the finger." Is a line from the Red Elvises song "Sad Cowboy Song." You can get an live mp3 from:
Funny thing is: You can see his (present) wife having the same conversation with her toddlers group friend (Chelsea? Saundra?), of course with "husband" for each "wife" here ...
@testmonkey: I assumed he was talking to his mistress…
And ya, “Walters” are known for wearing short sleeve shirts with a tie.
You guys are the reason I philander and drink -so mean. Always pickin'.
And a short sleeve shirts with a tie is a fine outfit, thank you very much. Bitches.
Crap. Walt really is a dick.
I am happy that someone else commented on the typical Walter uniform.
This reminds me of that demotivational poster that goes, "The only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying relationships is you."
(PS, love this blog!)
Toasterhunter - Haha - that's a pretty funny coincidence... do they have any songs titled "The Dutch Miss Manhattan"?
Also - just so everyone knows - I'm currently on vacation (and have to pay $5.00 everytime I want to use the hotel's internet for 20 minutes), so I'm not able to answer too much... but rest assured I sit here amused...
Aah yes, the wonderful rantings of a semi-drunk womaniser. Gotta love it!
Where do you trek forth this time, Kev? The Ozarks? Some fancy resort in some unknown country of ill reputation? A blasphemous bed and breakfast which offers neither, yet displays prostitutes in the windows?
For shame, man... for shame.
@Mork: actually, at uni I had a physics professor who this guy kind of reminds me of—particularly his shirt and tie. The guy's name was Howard.
I hasten to point out that I have no knowledge of any wives.
Walter / Howard took a pretty big sip of his grog between panels 2 and 3 - I bet he was a champ back in his hay-day.
And maybe I've been brainwashed by television, but it seems to me that he might in fact work at a wildly unsuccessful shoe store...
Sucks to be that guy. Bitches suck. Sorry dude, some are destined to be bitch magnets. Theres nothing the world can do for you now. I'd throw in the towel little cartoon buddy.
Love the cartoons man. I've never left a comment till now. Looks like a lot of people test their wit here. Awesome. Been watching your pages turn for some time now. Just wanted to say that im a fan. Aloha
This comic took me a bit by surprise... I can't decide whether it's offensive or not :(
@Judith: It's only offensive if you find yourself relating to either Walter or his beer.
Okay folks... back from Vacation! I'll be back in the swing of chatting by the next article...
Colonel - I trekked to the Western Coast of America, specifically Portland and San Diego. Out there, EVERY Bed and Breakfast is blasphemous. Actually, they dropped the Breakfast part so that there are only Bed and Blasphemies.
Judith - Oh dear - well, the joke here isn't his foul language, as much as his foul attitude :D
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1. Bob Coe
I thought maybe the title was your wife's commentary on the drawing!