I think I could handle being a werewolf. Think of all that extra exercise you're getting outdoors, without the boredom and exhaustion you'd experience as a human. I know my Mom would be happy about that. And, hey — I bet werewolves never leave a meal without cleaning their plate or carcass. The point is, Mothers only want what's best for you; so this Halloween, if you're both being attacked by zombies, leave her the shotgun with one shell left, and learn to make do with the baseball bat.
On an interesting and slightly more relevant note, mere hours after inking this comic, I happened to read that scientists suspect humans suffering from rabies may have actually inspired the "vampire" legend. So... yeah. That totally deflates my comic's humor-logic. Thanks a lot, Science... you turd.
There are currently 22 comments.
Just because one is a bloodthirsty monster doesn't mean one shouldn't look their cutest. I say, buckle up!
There's also the problem of the morning after - you know, waking up naked in the zoo, covered in blood... always an awkward moment.
other benefits: no need to get a pet of your own; you are your own pet.
...and just how would one "make due with the baseball ball?" You'd have to be one helluva great pitcher, I suppose...
Anaglyph - I don't know... it really depends on the zoo.
Testmonkey - Argh! I meant baseball bat (so I went in and corrected it)... but yeah... you did figure out how one would make due with a baseball ball... :D
If he's getting exercise it's sure not showing. Wolfie oughtta be RIPPED like Groundskeeper WILLIE!!!
see people, this is what happens when artsits don't get out enough. next thing you know, he'll draw an old man with a vagina for a mouth. WHAT.
oh, and don't forget all the mojo shirts that'll be torn in half if you transform. there, I indulged your SICK fantasy.
Ah, the longing for the wistful retreat of lycanthropian freedoms. Sure, excercise, baying at the moon, and other wolfish endeavors, such as mindless copulation, are what every man dreams of... but at what cost?
I hear those wolven women carry some nasty diseases.
One would think that worms would be the least of a man's (or wolfman's) worries.
It's not rabies - merely that a lot of werewolves like eating soap. I thought that was common knowledge?
Kevin, one of your best if I might say so. The werewolf looks as if he's waiting for the 'ba-dum-dum' bass kick from the band after the perfect delivery of the punchline. I'd love to buy a print of this one if you decide to do a run.
Werewolves everywhere, stumled yerday about a site showing only images of werewolves, now yours.
Not to be a sap, but you should "make do" with the baseball bat and not "make due", which is so common a mistake that you don't have to go foaming at the mouth because of it! I do have to say your werewolf is anorexic - don't they burst *out* of their clothes, which makes them irresistible to women? Ask Mojo...
You know what cures/immunizes against rabies, don't you?
Saint Hubert Mastellen fromGhent, Belgium! (cf. http://customsholidays.suite101.com/article.cfm/hubertmastellen)
They have to be blessed, of course, by a Catholic priest (which is done only on 3 November), and eaten on an empty stomach while saying an "Our Father". Honest to God!
John Nick - Well it's mostly cardio. A frankenstein monster is much more likely to concentrate on building muscle and tone.
Bandy - That's true... and I DO wear all the mojo shirts at once...
Colonel - I will not sit here as you sully the honorable reputation of werewolf woman! Or maybe I will. I probably will.
Jim - Hah - thanks Jim! I don't know if I'd do a print of this, but it will most certainly end up in a book one day...
Milo - Don't forget the werewolf behind you!
Hahah - just joking!
JudoJoe - Are you exhibiting vampire symptoms, or werewolf symptoms?
Zaihan K. - Aha! You learn something new every day! I never know that — the correction has been made. Thanks :D
Kate - I don't know... fasting until the blessing is over... that sounds almost as painful as a silver bullet...
And so Mr. Cornell stumbles across his next T-Shirt tagline:
Thanks a lot, Science... you turd
This is clearly not an ordinary werewolf -- it's a zombie werewolf! (The eyes say it all.)
I guess to kill a zombie werewolf you'd have to use the requisite silver bullet, but you could only shoot it in the head.
Don't worry knowing science tomorrow they will totally change their whole idea, and it will turn out that rabies causes cancer... Thus supposing that Vampires will also cause cancer!
BigA - Haha - Man - I need to think of an image to go with THAT!
Hugh G. - Wow - that makes this a Zombie/Werewolf with the symptoms of a Vampire!
Shane Guymon - Vampires cause CANCER?
*Kevin dumps his bowl of Count Chocula on the ground*
Whats all this jive talk of vampires causing cancer? If you want science check out 'Dracula's Secret' at http://inkfinger.typepad.com/my_weblog/ . See science can be good. You go dracula!
long time reader, first time typer. i've had a paralyzing fear of werewolves since i was a child and watched "Silver Bullet" and "An American Werewolf in London". i've suffered through much of my childhood, teenage, and adult years worried that lurking behind a bush or a tree was a vicious, ravenous creature ready to rip me limb from limb while i screamed and begged for help. now i have to worry about the possibility of rabies, too.
thanks, thanks a lot. back to hiding under the covers where the werewolves and republicans can't get me.
Sorry, Dyedad.... but on the plus side, sometimes the "vicious ravenous creature lurking behind the bushes ready to rip you limb from limb" is a Frankenstein, or Mummy, and not a Werewolf at all! Cheers!
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1. Jason
True, being a werewolf may help with being active... but think of the fleas you'd have to deal with. I know I wouldn't want to have to wear that dorky pink collar.