With the departure of Rue 15 and The Donestre from my inventory, ne'er to be sold again, the time has come for me to restock the shelves of the Bearskinrug Store. So enter, empty-walled wanderers, and pick up a portrait or two. Perhaps the family you never had (or who never had you); the fictional Uncle, who fiddled you lullabies as you descended into peaceful slumber; or that tall, dark sunavabitch who met you on the altar, but left you in life. Or, bless you, get all three at once and save yourself a ten-dollar bill (or 2 five-dollar bills [or 10 one-dollar bills] ). There's only 10 to spare of any of these prints, so act now if ye' so desire!
As always, each print comes with a Certificate of Authenticity — the creation of which is quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of putting together a print set. I think I spent more time typesetting and writing these than I did painting the original art.
There are currently 12 comments.
Wow... I had never considered the endless loop of authentication...THAT is a narrowly averted crisis! :)
The invoice for my business management consultancy is in the post.
P.S. I love the favoured son's face in "The Forgotten Son". He looks like a casual bully.
Hmm, Seņor Sunavabitch looks rather High Plains Drifter-esque. Sans Mexican-throw-rug poncho.
As a proud owner of Rue 15 and an ardent fan of The Cornell, I cannot say enough about the joy the Rue 15 print has brought me. Dare I say Rue 15 even got me a wonderful new wife. Ok so I was already engaged, but even with the Rue 15 giclee print, she still married me.
Thanks be to you The Kevin Cornell.
Addendumb: I also own a pristine copy of The Wippins Campaign so I know what I am talking about when it comes to The Kevin Cornell
BigA - Great thanks, Apple-O!
Joesplanet - Well, he DOES drift in and out of the lives of his 'wimmins...
Andrew - Well, I did send that complimentary diamond ring along with the print... 15 carat.... pretty sweet!
Those look great Kevin! I especially like how they look framed and matted.
"Empty-walletted wanderers" and an uncle who "fiddled your lullabies?" Let me read that again...
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1. Pierce
Nice. One day I will be richer than I am now.
And I will buy a helicopter. Or some prints. Whatever.
You should be able to buy just the Certificates of Authenticity. But then I guess you'd have to make another Certificate of Authenticity for each of them that you sold. And what if people started asking you to sell the certificates for the certificates? What then, Kevin? Don't even pretend you have all the answers.