I recently took a freelance design job from Pixelworthy, working with cohorts Stan and Rob. It's the first "real" job I've had in a year... you know — where you leave your house, wear clothes, and have to close the bathroom door. The project I'm on is in a bit of a time crunch, so I have been neglecting my illustration duties, and I haven't been on my own site all that much.
But so that I get something posted this week, I decided it would be appropriate to post a drawing made at Pixelworthy. The office is on the nineteenth floor, so there's amazing views of all this architecture no matter what window you look out of. I'm not sure of the name of the building I drew; but perhaps someday I'll meet it at a swank dinner party and find out. This stunning view does come at a price. I'm kinda scared by heights, and it doesn't help that the windows actually OPEN — meaning at best there's only a thin pane of glass separating me from a sudden 19-story plunge. And I've noticed they keep moving my seat closer and closer to the windows... Hmmm. Looks like I need to step up my performance...
There are currently 20 comments.
We're actually on the 20th floor, so you need not worry about the plunge being fatal. Like a cat, the extra floor would allow you to regain your composure and land gracefully.
When you get close to the edge, do your fingertips ache? That happens to me just thinking about heights. Hope it's going well up there. Maybe you'll see me panhandling on your lunch break.
congratulations on the new assignment and LOVE the illustration! Man, I need to practice more ... (gets out sketchbook and sobs quietly).
Is this drawing for PixelWorthy? Or did you just do it on lunch. Or are you slacking...
That view makes me wish I worked in a city again. Now, I get to peer out my window at a parking lot, parking deck, two parkways, and a 10 story rectangle. Wooo suburbs!
Wow, Ian! That's the first I've heard anyone having those syptoms. I have them in both my wrists, but it's more like a tingle, not an ache.
That is one fantastic illustration! woah. Why not wear a base-jumping rig. It probably wouldn't save your life but at least you'd look cool while trying to save your life.
i'm pretty sure that's the duke of philadelphia's estate. either that or it's a quizno's.
Wow, what a nice illustration! Please tell me that took you days and days to finish!
It also looks a bit like the Rhinelander Mansion in New York, but I'm guessing the view from your Philly office doesn't quite allow for that sort of view
Wow - thanks everyone! Man... lemme see what I can answer...
Brent / Murten - That took about an afternoon to finish. The building refused to sit for longer than that. I stopped when he got a sandwich.
Wayne - Wrong! The Duke lives in a penthouse at the top of Liberty One. I can see his pipe organ through the window.
Apple - It COULD be in New York... I don't know if the windows are giant magnifying glasses or not. But this building was on the south side of the building, so I guess not. It's probably in DC or Mexico.
Your artistic skills are great, even incredible. I just wanted to say "thanks" for the inspiration and amusement I get from your site..
Kevin, may you dream in ink forever.. and reside in ink drawings the rest of your life.. great work!
What a great view! Thank you for helping me remind, why a real job (how you call it) is worth it. I nearly just forgot...
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1. Anders
I'd sacrifice my left arm for such an inspring view...my LEFT arm...