I have to admit I cheated on this one. Obviously I had to look at the drawing when I switched from the red pen to the black, but then when I drew the bit of hose that descends below view, I looked again to finish the back of the pipe. I can understand if I am ostracized from further Blind Contour Fridays, but in my defense I'd like to say LOOK BEHIND YOU *run, run, run*...
Rachael Fowler, LaureLines, Kimlan Cornell, of Sock Monkey Drawer, Wally Torta, Elain Phipps, Lindsay Olson, Koukla Carolyn, The Seeks, and Learning Daily.
There are currently 16 comments.
The process reminds me of those mystery projects at the BACK of the Spirograph "recipe book" that don't show you what it'll look like when it's done. It's a SURPRISE, you know?
Mine always wound up looking like Mojo. Same with my Lite-Brite.
Kevin, any chance of a Mojo in Blind Contour Land comic, sort of in the Bill Griffy Griffin mode?
a lot of people look once or twice. youre just not supposed to tell anyone. the addition of a second color or line weight helps the composition of these a lot. i'll have to do something different next week.
I like! The red/black thing really adds a lot--have you been reading Stendhal?
Niff - I figured the red would be alright - just following your lead :D
John Nick - Mojo has visited Blind Contour Land. He was on his way to work...
Sutter - I wasn't supposed to tell? Oh.. in that case... I didn't look. *crosses arms in satisfaction*.
Laura - I don't believe I have... Stendhal? Fill me in!
This is really wonderful! What an amazing thing drawing is....to elevate a humble spiggot. THink I'll try summoning the garbage truch too!
Can you please correct my url and name? Lindsay Olson straightlinesout.blogspot.com
Lindsay - Okay... but it doesn't look like you have a Blind Contour up for today?
I just got the blind guy in my office to take a look at this picture, but he couldn't see anything. What gives?
When I first looked at it, I thought it was a death ray machine, with the red being the "whurrr whurr whurrr" of the ray and I thought, 'Where does one find a death ray? Is it Mojo's?
stendhal wrote a novel called the red and the black (that's the english translation, of course). it's a good specimen of that type of french novel in which an ambitious young man gets involved in all sorts of sexual/political imbroglios that by the end of the novel leave him wiser about the ways of the world (and or dead). it's worth a look if you like that kind of thing.
Ah! Wayne, I don't reward you enough. From now on, you're Bearskinrug's HEAD advisor on Literature and Armwrestling...
Hey, wait! It was MY Stendhal FIRST! *grabs the Head Advisor on Literature tiara from rival claimant's head*
Wait, Laura, wait! Wayne is merely a figurehead!!!!
My cabinet is in tatters. Bearskinrug is no more...
psht. you can have that tiara. i have, like, SO many others that are totally prettier. though it was nice to have something to show for my doctorate in literature for once...
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1. niff
It's okay to expirement Kevin, I think you should make it your own...Oh and by the way, CHEATER!! haha..just kidding! I love the use of the red pen.