There are currently 27 comments.
I like how authoritative the shoving is. I need to shove! my clothes in my washing machine from now on.
Beau - hahah - that's pretty true!
Ian - What the?
Bryan - Oh yeah - clothes don't clean correctly unless you've put them in a submissive mindset...
I think I figured out the problem. He forgot to close the door. No wonder they looked shocked. All the water's shooting out.
I hope he remembered to use the appropriate detergent for the cold cycle.
The expressions on their faces in the last frame are priceless... PRICELESS!
I can kind of hear that sad high pitched annoying 'wahhhh' reminiscent of Lucille Ball, multiplied by 2 of course.
I never knew all of those interesting "facts" about pot belly stoves, and the endless knowledge unveiled in re-reading. I just keep learning!
You, dear sir, are simply awesome. I busted a gut laughing. Excuse me while I pick up my entrails.
So… I don't get it. How do you guys wash YOUR clothes…? A little too much accelerant in the pre-wash though I think.
I guess you can forgive their stupidity..the people look like clothes pegs...not to mention their lack of noses!
I followed the link to the (very informative) Good Time Stove Co. Awesome! Although, I must say that I am surprised that anybody could mistake a Potbelly Stove for a Cylinder Stove..I mean, really!
I don't know what is better, your strip, or your comment. You are one witty bastard kevin...and by that I mean: your witty and your mom pushed you out of her birth canal before she was married.
Your use of text to describe actions (shove! shove!) reminds me of when I was a boy. I used to get teased because when I'd play with my action figures I'd describe actions with words like, "walk! walk! juuuuuump! walk!" It's good to see I'm not alone. :)
Ahhhh Kevin, You've done it again you witty bastard!. (See Niff's entry above)
Paolo - I did the same things with my action figures! I'd take Major Bludd and be like "Compliment, Compliment", and then Lady Jaye would be all "Blush, Blush"... :)
Philanthropist/JCRogers - Thanks gents!
did they set it for hot or cold water? cause... it could just be a fast way to heat the water...
Richard(erd) - Well - they didn't see the knob, so they threw on the closet liquid at hand, which was bourbon.
Rantzilla - Haha - yeah - you're right!
May be the story should be called "The washing machine is broken"
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1. John Nick
Well, at least he fixed the stove!
Great work Kevin!