"Hey - this is not a lending library!"
*UPDATE* - Picnic Mtn is now ALSO for sale through the Bearskinrug Store. So whatever floats your boat...
There are currently 22 comments.
Thanks, Mr. Fish! I hope you don't RUE your purchase.... HAHAHAHAHA!
pretty fancy, kevin, it's about time people had a little bit of Mojo to call their own. (and to encourage their cubicle adventures)
Oh yes. I will be buying the poster set after lunch, have to go get the credit card!
Congrats, Kevin! Nice job. The "Go" poster is wonderful! I wish I had some money just so I could sign it over to you...
Nice job "shopkeep"... after only 2 seconds browsing through the posters I found myself already at the paypal screen getting ready to enter my credit card information!
Hoooold on there, think I need to wait until I get home to decide if I want the whole set or just one. Decisions, decisions...
I just loves those! Especially the Go!-Poster is pretty interesting... It's just that i don't have too much money to spend on posters (i just bought a new display for my pc at home). Great work!
Sweet-ass mojovational posters are currently being shipped my way by the delightful gnomes behind the scenes at Bearskinrung... does life get any better?
Before you begin to ponder, I'll save you the effort.
Huzzah for the shopkeep! Huzzah!
i second rachael's comment. if i find some money on the ground, though, it's definitely heading your way in exchange for a poster or three...
Also, it's nice to know that Mojo promotes an active and safe lifestyle. Notice the helmet while he's in the kayak. Not to mention the weight belt while lifting.
Placed my order.
Thanks everyone! I've been cooking up this site since April, and it feels great to finally have it up! Soon I'll have to go back in the kitchen to check on some of the other BSR plans...
I always used to despise motivational posters - always so patronising...but THESE, they're AWESOME!!!
And I do like that Mojo is safety concious as well as motivational!
Donna - Mojo SEEMS safety conscious, but in Do It! he's leaping over a shark tank.
Funnel - Wow! These posters are POTENT! :)
Wow, I never dreamed my wish would be fulfilled so quickly! Thanks Kevin!
Now if only that lion taming position becomes available . . .
Haha! Well - I'm a big supporter of unibomber-style shack improvement! :)
Hey kevin, you should probably tell people about the thing where if they don't buy your posterts they will die in 10 days!...i feel week...
bryan - I believe that's 35,000 lbs. He's quite strong.
Niff - Oh yeah! But that's only if they've eaten a poster... YOU ate your poster!!?
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1. springfish
Well done. Looks like my bank account will be going in the wrong direction yet again.
Best of luck to ya!