So how about you? Do you consider yourself an All-Star typist? Or do you type like a pirate with two hook hands? I'm just asking so I know who to pick when we play "Typewriter" during recess.
There are currently 34 comments.
meh... 32/4, never was any good at typing what's on the screen... hey IAN, you too, eh? :P guess there aren't many pieces of educational typing software out there :)
Hmm. I'm 51/2. Maybe for once in my life I won't get picked last on the playground.
The viking was distracting. I was busy coveting his plentiful facial hair.
71/1. I attribute my success to Mario Teaches Typing, not because it was especially good at teaching anything, but because I have an insatiable urge for Koopa-stomping.
37/2. Stand back fellas!
I only got this good on the 'board' because of the sheer volume of fanmail I sent to Jar Jar Binks.
Pfff, I only got 54/3, that's lame... I hoped this test would proof my geekness. Oh well, bummer.
26 WPM, 3%
Worked in retail for a year, now I am ruling that keypad!
67 wpm with 9% error. If it wasn't for that stupid single spacing, I'd have pwned.
At 42 words per minute with 2 fingers & 2 thumbs, I may not type as fast but my error rate is a very impressive 1%. But then, I have a tiny computer, with a tiny keyboard, explaining tiny errors… Can we throw rocks at Jason in the playground, please, pretty please?
37 / 2. See his test is fake. I can type as fast as a lightning bolt, if I could only look at the keyboard the whole time. Plus this test doesn't take into consideration that I can't read.
Yarr, I did the Viking one and got 61/2. I make a fair (1) ammount of errors when I type(2), but I've been at it long enough that I(3,4) automatically(5) go back and correct them. I can actually do that `don't(6) look at the monitor or keyboard whilst typing' thing(7). Taken quite a few years to get to(8) this point, but it's almost second nature(9) now. I'm(10) pretty decent on the numpad(11), too... just yesterday, I banged out about 300 3-digit numbers on a adding machine, with(12) no more than about 10-15 errors(13), despite the fact that they were being fired at me with an average of about(14) four seconds between sets.
PS: The parenthesised numbers count the errors I made whilst typing this... the ratio is a lot higher, because the test discounts corrections.
I type strangely. I taught myself to type long before I ever attended a class on typing, so when people see me type they gasp and stare in abject horror as I don't use the home-row or anything even close to established typing practices. I don't even use my pinkies when I type. The first two fingers on each hand are responsible for letters and the space bar, and the third fingers for shift, punctuation, backspace, enter, etc.
I definitely learned to type in chatrooms on AOL in the early and mid-90's. What a loser.
My god... I change my evaluation. It seems I'm not a "pretty good" typist, but an "okay" typist...
SHEESH! Could I WRITE this comment any SLOWER!?
I totally suck at typing. I fully admit. I'm not even going to do that test. the viking is somehow intimidating me. brrr
You think he's intimidating on the screen. Imagine having him as your cellmate.
I'm sure I could type a lot faster if I weren't trying to replicate some trivia about Vikings, and instead typing my super-organized thoughts.
Matt & Hilmerr - You know, in it's own strange way, that's pretty impressive scoring too.
I don't know if that qualifies as fast anymore... Slowconfusion types at "One milllllllion WPM". Or so he claims.
51 wpm 1% error.
I actually was trained on a type writer. I'm not that school was just too cheap for computers.
Best of luck to Mojo.
54/2...Koopa Stomping became quite addicting, yes it did...but i always played as the princess.
Way to go, Jonathan! 74/o!
59/0 here, but I managed to do it while fending off my 17 month old, so I rule!
Fending him off? But you had 10 extra fingers at your disposal then! :D
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1. Ian
37wpm, 4% error. Better than I thought. I'm also quite proficient with the numpad thanks to a youth filled with playing Scarab of Ra. Man, speaking of mummies - that was a totally awesome game.