I was looking through my sketchbooks when I found this fellow, and had a bit of a chuckle. I don't remember all the details of why I drew him, but I can recall the day. Pete Dalkner and I were sitting outside a place in town, and were checking out the bakery across the street. I think we were just watching the guy inside, and something about his look made us think he might be one of the more unpleasant personalities in the baking world.
I remember that day had also yielded one of the most interesting conversations I've ever eavesdropped upon. But I think I'll save that story for my NEXT post...
There are currently 14 comments.
I like to wonder just what was said that made the baker do that...
Maybe: "Can I have a fork?"
perhaps he was offended that the viewer brought with him/her what would appear to be a bare-chested lady action figure.
I should try to get this guy a show. He'd kill on Tuesday nights........
Sara - Hah - that could be it!
That's right Pants - Tuesday is when Americans are most amused by violence to baked goods...
tuesday = cakefuckday?
wow! you really have an idea there! Cakes are much softer than fries...
In holland we only have frienight on friedays, but we cant really fuck a frie now can we?
all of your posts make me verry happy....its a good way to start my day. Cant wait for tomarrow
Hah hah hah!
Now that's not funny most of the bakers where i live are like that
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1. Rob Weychert
I am now inspired to take up baking.