After a couple of months work, I have managed to get up a new site — a trying endeavor, but always worthwhile when finished. Now, those of you who came here today expecting the old site, and are terribly confused, don't you worry — I'm gonna give you the tour!
You just got right to it, didn't you?
What I basically did, is take the News section, and the Sketches section, and mate them. Now, I have "Articles". Why on Earth would I do that? Well — for one thing — you can comment on the posted drawing. Finally, you can ask the important questions, like "Why is there an ugly man underwater here?", and "What is the artistic significance of the talking eggplant?". However, when you yearn for the nostalgia of the old cartoons - they're still preserved here, in the projects section.
Well - as you can see, with a quick glance at the homepage, I still post links I find interesting, and I still offer downloads. The Work section displays the latest additions to my portfolio, and houses the ever popular Pet Bear. I have feeds available for both the article section and the work section, for those who are interested. And if you just feel like dropping me a line, or if you have a job inquiry, type up a little letter in the Contacts Section, and send it my way.
Is it? I'd love to hear your feedback.
Especially if there's something particularly glaring that bothers you. Part of the reason I've put so much effort into this new site is to make it easier than ever to interact with visitors. Now that I work at home, alone — this is the last tendril of human interaction I have.
So... there's not much more to say. Enjoy the new site, and keep an eye out for more from me!
There are currently 26 comments.
Well done, Mr. Cornell, even if my new hero Jim is nowhere to be found. Now get me a job, ya bum!
well worth the wait mr. cornell. one question - why in shit is there not an ugly man underwater here?
A though just occurred.
A white rug?
I really hope you made two of these or you at least make people take off their shoes before coming in 'cause this sucker's gonna see a lot of traffic.
She's a beaut.
I've just spent over an hour here, when I should be getting some work done. Chances are I'll be back again. Great. Thanks for causing yet another distraction for someone who already has too many.
Always a pleasure to view your work, BSR.
Thankfully, I am not an illustrator or I would be so miserable for my lack of comparable talent.
I'm so glad that doesn't make sense.
Truly an excellent site. There are a lot of "whitespace" sites out there, and crafting an original design that doesn't look like the others can be a chore. This is killer.
very nice work McKevin Cornell! congrats on the whiteness....nice to see you havent been playing video games ALL day everyday.
Hands down the best part is reading the CSS file.
Great redesign. How long until you get tired of it?
That's how it always is. I can never be satisfied with a design any longer then it takes to make it.
Lovely Kev (earlier you said I could call you Kev, so i'm doing it - wieeeeeeeeeee)
What I suggest: the red flash page with the 100off thingie sketches is great, but can't you make the numbers that indicate wich drawing I'm viewing editable? So that I can type... let's say.... drawing numéro uno and that it actually displays drawing 1. A little bit like your sketchbook where I was able to choose a page in your book.
Just a thought, you don't have to do it, durrrrr
That's a good suggestion Maarten - that would be handy - perhaps I'll dip back into the file...
Big Congratulations on your new look. Very smart indeed. I'll admit that I'm already missing feeding the bear - but I'll get over it (in time).
Nicely done :)
Thanks, Apple - but don't fret too much - He's still here, hanging out in the work section....
Wow. I just stumbled across your site and it is great! It has a lot of personality and serves as a great vehicle for your excellent work sir. *adds to bookmarks*
Ah - phew! Was worried I wouldn't be able to channel my daily frustrations by feeding the bear. Glad to see he still lurks ;)
Outstanding! An all-around great job in the design as well as the back-end... Not that we expected any less!
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1. Jason Santa Maria
Hooray! Congratulation Sir! Now get a job ya bum.