Look to the projects section, for today is the launch of a new endeavor: Compositionals!
Don't let the word "composition" throw you. These are TOYS ! I've created three compositional playthings - cleverly named Compositional I., Compositional II., and Compositional III. - for people to interact with, create compositions and then send me a screenshot of what they've created.
The compositions that grab my fancy will be posted in the Submissions section.
There are currently 8 comments.
I was so hoping I could spell "DICK" in one of those...or "ASS" or something...
Nice things Kevin, looks cool, don't know why anyone would spend his time with it though :D
if YOU have time you should check out designerslounge, I think you would fit there pretty good. THIS IS NOT SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION.
Good point, nameless person. I'll take the compositionals down now.
I can't believe I used up all my portal-browsing time on my OWN work!
absolutely amazing. I'm a big fan of Constructivism/Suprematism and your 3 compositions not only show a profound knack for this style but must have taken you FOREVER to do considering all of the variations. I'm hoping a lot of ActionScript was used to randomize the variations. I'm really impressed by both the concept and implementation. The contrasting grids (Composition #3) is pure genius melding of Flash and fine art! thanks for the inspration!
Thanks Brian! It's nice to hear such encouraging words!
I wish a lot of actionscript was used - I'm sure I could have researched a simpler way to handle transitioning all those movie clips, but in the end I had to make all of them a movie clip, that tweens four times, and has a uniquely shaped button to control the events.
Really time-consuming. If you have a suggestion for how to program more efficiently, I'd love to hear it!
Oh, and crandle, sorry I never answered your question. The texture is an assortment of black and white specks, exported as a .png with transparency...
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1. crandle
How did you get the texture on these? Are those jpgs?